
December 20, 2009

It’s water proof!

Filed under: Crazy,Whatever @ 1:30 pm

One major setback was related to an essential feature of my new watch: water resistance.

I found a local watchmaker that had a pressure tester to check my previous and new watch. Disappointingly, the new creation failed miserably. So I replaced the caseback gasket with a slightly thicker one, but the problem lied with the crystal gasket.

But more shocking, was the water resistance of my previous beater! It passed with flying colors. Both the negative and positive pressure test, up to 100m! This all with an exhibition caseback and without a screw-down crown. I couldn’t believe it.

So after a week of fiddling around, I bit the bullet and applied a thin layer of cement around the edge of the crystal before installing it in the project watch. I also installed a new bezel insert that I like MUCH better. The beta is ready.

Version: beta
(click to enlarge and for before/after comparison)

Version: alpha

I also tested out what an exhibition caseback would look like with my decorated movement (isn’t it beautiful?):

Exhibition caseback test
(click to enlarge)

Lastly here are some updated specs after re-testing the watch today:

  • Water resistance: 100 m :clap:
  • Dial up position:
    • Accuracy: +1 s/day
    • Beat error: 0.2 ms
    • Amplitude: 315 °
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