
November 12, 2007

Pat W. Johnston

Filed under: Annoying,Stupid @ 10:59 pm

Director of Consumer Services

For some reason, this guy/girl (can’t tell from the name), keeps sending me mail encouraging me to open up a new line of credit with Capital One. Not only does this piss me off, it is an absolute waste of paper. With the advent of email where the only waste is the energy required to drive the electrons toward Gmail’s excellent spam filters, there is no excuse for such negligent waste upon futile experiments like sending me offers. Not only is it completely irresponsible, it is a covert attack on my financial identity! I have to take great care to be sure I tear/shred each one just in case a different breed of freak tries to open up a line of credit for me. It’s insane. Then, I look at the rubbish container beside our group of mailboxes overflowing with junk ads located disgusted to realize there are three more such things scattered about the complex. When the wind blows, some of the squandered tree products end up on the ground only to get caught in the storm drain already clogged with yesterday’s edition of dead trees.

I’m beginning to think that in the age of email, the only reason the US Postal Service allows for this and isn’t charging a dollar per ounce is the vicious cycle evidenced by the “Presorted Standard U.S Postage Paid” printed within the little square on the corner of all my trash (if someone already thought of this first, I apologize). I don’t think the mailman would appreciate it either if I started putting Yuki’s poo in my box. :rant:

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