
October 24, 2007

Interval update

Filed under: Whatever @ 10:36 pm

The past couple months have been pretty busy. So far I’ve been averaging just under 80 hours/week and sometimes 30+ hours at a time but I can’t complain compared to other stories I’ve heard. Right now, I’m so lazy that I can’t even think of a good title for this post.

More importantly though are the crazy fires of late. I can’t even fathom the devastation to thousands of families out there now. I went berserk when someone just broke in to our place in MI. I love Santa Ana wind season, but we need more weather like in my previous post. :sad2:

On a lighter note, I took one of those retarded personality quizzes linked on RiKa951‘s Xanga which means I’m pretty retarded too. Drumroll for the results:

Which Peanuts Character Are You?

You are Schroeder. You are brilliant, ambitious, and brooding; you tackle tasks with extreme focus. People don’t always interest you as much as other pursuits, though, so you can come off as aloof.

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