
February 16, 2007

Addicted to another hobby

Filed under: Exciting @ 8:49 pm

The latest hobby has become snowboarding. Ever since I went to Mammoth, I’ve been in denial about how shitty I was at picking up snowboarding. There was no way they could all do it and I couldn’t. So after coming back to MI, I set out to learn. It started out with boots. How better to make learning more controlled than to get one’s own boots, right? So we got boots and it didn’t stop there…

Needless to say a week later, I took full advantage of sierrasnowboard.com‘s 40% off everything sale! What perfect timing too since Valentine’s Day was fast approaching and my original gift idea pot is a little dry right now with all these important occasions coming up. So there you have it, lots of money later, we both have our very own set of stuff to learn with. It also helps that during my last trip (trip number 3 since coming back) to the slope, I learned how to link turns!

Anyways, this came today:

Hmm what could be in those weird boxes?

To continue the saga, click here: (more…)

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