
March 27, 2006

Saw the OQO in action

Filed under: Cool @ 6:31 pm

Way back when, I blogged about the OQO model 01. Today, I saw the OQO model 01+ in action. My pediatric attending whipped it out on rounds to look at labs. I was like…:shock2: I was surprised, because so far, I haven’t met any real gadget freak attendings yet. But this guy’s also an MBA so maybe that’s where he gets it from.

OQO model 01+
(click for more photos)

It weighs a couple ounces short of a pound but it runs Windows XP Tablet Edition and the screen looks pretty nice. The case felt like a magnesium alloy and was nice and sturdy. The screen slid very smoothly. When I looked at my Treo I was sort of saddened but the Treo is so much more useful to me. If only I could get the Citrix client to work on it, I would be as cool as he. :yeah:

/ Comments (1)

sorry for commenting on an old post but THIS THING IS INSANE! I cant wait to get my own pda when i start rotations.

Comment by Isaac 05.26.06 @ 2:18 am