March 27, 2006
Way back when, I blogged about the OQO model 01. Today, I saw the OQO model 01+ in action. My pediatric attending whipped it out on rounds to look at labs. I was like…:shock2: I was surprised, because so far, I haven’t met any real gadget freak attendings yet. But this guy’s also an MBA so maybe that’s where he gets it from.
It weighs a couple ounces short of a pound but it runs Windows XP Tablet Edition and the screen looks pretty nice. The case felt like a magnesium alloy and was nice and sturdy. The screen slid very smoothly. When I looked at my Treo I was sort of saddened but the Treo is so much more useful to me. If only I could get the Citrix client to work on it, I would be as cool as he. :yeah:
March 20, 2006
At 13:26 today, Springtime became official for 2006. :clap: Anyhoo, Geline has gone back to Cali for some planning and a wedding. Luckily, Yuki is keeping me company.
I also watched V for Vendetta this weekend.
Good movie. Typical smack-you-in-the-face-with-a-fish Wachowski Bros. symbolism. A decent social commentary too; and a bit inspiring. Also, how can you argue with someone who used up the whole ‘V’ section in the dictionary. You just can’t.
March 14, 2006
So, 3287 days ago, we started our journey as a couple. I am truly amazed. :love:
March 10, 2006
Wow, I forgot how demanding being on call can be. I chose to do pediatric intensive care this week…what was I thinking? Actually, it was a good experience taking call on Tuesday. And then taking call again on Thursday! The second call was my choice, but it’s exciting in the ICU. But we’ll get down to what this post is really about which is actually the sequel to the previous post.
My new toy; it’s designed to keep me connected while I’m in clinical prison. It combines my Dell Axim X30 and my RAZR into a single device. But best of all features unlimited EVDO internet. Mmm, full speed broadband internet from the little plastic knob antenna… :jittery:
End of nerd post.