
January 27, 2005

Public restroom decency and courtesy

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:50 pm

In classic style, I spent the evening in the library trying to catch up. Around 10, I decided I had enough. So around 11:15, I packed up, said bye to Shaun, and went to let out the Barq’s I got from McDonald’s. Still befuddled from the reading, I made my way to the Shiffman library 24-hour study bathroom.

Nefariously hidden behind the door was the nauseating funk from one an obscene case of public restroom misconduct. Yet still seeking relief, I scurried to the nearest urinal simultaneously holding my breath whilst making a weird face.

It was one of those things where you just had to peek–yeah, I know. The crime took place in the middle stall and for a second, as long as I could tolerate, I fell witness to the remains of an explosive fury. Somehow, the porcelain barely managed full containment and I was thankful. As I fleeted toward the exit, I noticed a hastily strewn Subway wrapper in the non-human waste receptacle. The perpetrator had already left the scene.

The odor was so criminal it got stuck in my nose hairs only to be released over the next few breaths. No wonder the library has one of these.

Laughing under my breath, I messaged Shaun, “Go see what’s in the bathroom,” and made my way out into the cold.

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