
July 4, 2005

Does Michigan celebrate Independence Day?

Filed under: Hmm @ 3:28 pm

Apparently not.

I checked all the websites of the state and all major cities nearby. There are absolutely no public events anywhere. Has the 4th become too much of a family and friends day? It should be a public celebration. There aren’t even any public fireworks displays today, the 4th of July, AKA Independence Day. Wait, Detroit had its display on the 1st; 1st does not equal 4th, I hope. I would imagine such a holiday, a national one even, would draw a little more interest in public awareness of such an important day and at least education for the children.

Of all the cities, Ann Arbor was the only city that had any information available on their website and it was for a 1 hour parade at 10 am.

I thought this was part of the Heartland of America. Or perhaps, the people of Michigan don’t like to publish important information on the web. :roll:

I guess I’ll just have to toss some meat on the grill for old times.

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June 23, 2005


Filed under: Hmm @ 6:18 pm

So I came out alive. Still have both my arms and legs. Brain is a little smaller though. :clap: I even got a little souvenir in the form of the mousepad they had at the computers. (I didn’t steal it though, I asked for it.)

How does something that affects someone else’s life affect yours?

On my way home, I saw something thought provoking. There were a bunch of kids, maybe in their late teens, laughing and joking around on the side of the freeway next to what I’m assuming was their stalled car. Poor kids. They were all wearing some sort of Detroit Piston paraphernalia. Poor kids. But that’s beside the point.

What I realized though, was that I witnessed something those kids are probably going to remember for the rest of their days. I wondered what kind of impact it’s going to have their lives. It was like watching ‘Stand By Me’. And then I wondered, how is witnessing their experience going to affect my life? Sometimes its really eye opening to see that you are not the only person living out your life on Earth. :ponder:

Right now I’m wondering if any of them got hit by a car.

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June 22, 2005

Prepaaare to meeet you doom

Filed under: Whatever @ 6:54 pm

So this is what it feels like…maybe.

Tomorrow I walk the Green Mile. It takes 8 hours.

Tonight, I will ask for a nice meal. Perhaps a juicy burger.


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June 20, 2005

Sigalert for the masses

Filed under: Cool @ 9:12 am

A while ago, I posted about Sigalert.com and it’s greatness. I’ve discovered a tool like this for most metropolitan cities:

>> Greater Detroit – Yahoo! Maps with Traffic Info

They aren’t as detailed but it’s something. If you look at the map of the greater Detroit area, you can almost see all the pot holes represented by the dots.

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June 18, 2005

Filed under: Funny @ 3:13 pm

Found this

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June 13, 2005

Not Guilty

Filed under: News @ 4:47 pm


>> MJ Acquitted

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June 11, 2005


Filed under: Annoying @ 2:05 pm

Here Jason.


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June 10, 2005

I found the first bug

Filed under: Funny @ 11:06 pm

The first real bug. It now resides in the Smithsonian.

First bug

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June 9, 2005

Coffee is addicting

Filed under: Stupid @ 7:30 pm

So coffee really is addicting.

No so much to the caffiene, but just trying to see if you can make half-decent coffee and enjoy it at home. Supposedly, there is nothing better than freshly roasted and ground beans brewed just before serving.

I caved and returned my all-in-one grinder/brewer and got an entry level grinder and a good drip brewer. So far, so good. Snobs will say there is no such thing as a good drip brewer so as long as I have this, I’m not a coffee snob. :mrgreen:

Presto Scandinavian with Solis Maestro Classic

Yesterday I made some excellent iced coffee. :jittery:

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June 7, 2005

India Running out of Man power!

Filed under: News @ 9:44 pm

>> India Faces Outsourcing Labor Shortage

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