Internship? Check.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
It’s official, my final patient care duties were fulfilled at 12 MN tonight and I left the hospital a free man! It was funny though because I’ve been avoiding them all year and the resident running the ER board sees me trying to look busy and goes, “Hey Jack, are you busy?”
Me: Thinking, shit, she saw me. Saying, “Uh…no…”
Resident: “Do you want to see a patient with me?”
Me: Thinking, um…no. Saying, “Um, sure.”
Resident: “Good, it’s a vag. bleeder.”
Me: Thinking, f$%*#! Saying, “Man…thanks for the gift on my last shift.”
I guess reaching this milestone is not all positive though. It’s actually bittersweet knowing that now I have to start my real training to be a specialist and all the pressure to go along with it. Then there’s the impending pain of moving all our crap again. On top of that, being away from family and friends again. 350 mi is better than 2500 mi, though.
At least it’s still a step in the right direction and a +1 for Angeline and I. So yay! :drunk: