…is tomorrow. They tell us that we normally go from 6 to 6, 6 days out of the week. As transitional interns, we don’t take call on this service so we have to work one weekend day each week. They also said this isn’t as bad as the other ward months so I hope they’re telling the truth!
Today was my first day at the hospital since my interview last December. I had to get fingerprinted and get my ID badge. So thinking I want to look professional in my ID pic, I get all dressed up with a shirt and tie.
Took a little while to find HR for the fingerprinting but after that I was all set to take my picture. So I walk to the main hospital from the HR bunker and had take everything out of my pockets, my belt, and my watch for the metal detector.
Finally, I make it up to the 8th floor. I’m ready to take my picture up against the pale blue wall and the nice lady actually comments that I came prepared for my ID pic. My picture looks pretty nice, I thought. Sweet! Until she takes her little cropping tool and crops everything out except my face and the very top of my collar! :wallbash:
For the past year our lives have slowly built up to this huge climax, the wedding. Now that we’ve slowly come back down from heaven, I’ve had time to toss together this album of our honeymoon. Here are roughly 280 selected from out of over 1600! Sigh…
I’m going to sneak this post in since I haven’t had a chance to put together proper galleries for our wedding and honeymoon.
Here’s a quickie from graduation! :yeah: