VZ Navigator
About a week ago, I wondered if Verizon ever came out with a solution for the location capabilities of all the phones they sell. Well, they did. And it’s NICE.
It runs in BREW so it only runs on Geline’s RAZR but I believe other carriers have Java versions of their own navigation programs. It searches for you and allows you to call but best of all it’s a complete navigation system.
![VZ Nav](http://jacksarse.com/blog/images/vznav-1.jpg)
![VZ Nav](http://jacksarse.com/blog/images/vznav-2.jpg)
I jacked these images from the VCast site.
In our first test, it located us to our apt almost right on the money. Then we programmed a restaurant and it gave us a route. Then to my surprise, it started talking! If you press the arrows it shows you the next step or maybe even a little map with your location on it. When we starting moving, the dot moved too! Amazing. And if you close the flip, it shows the directions from the outer screen and it still gives voice prompts.
You get to try it for 30 days, but too bad it’s $9.99/mo. otherwise.