
July 25, 2005

Konfabulator bought by Yahoo!

Filed under: News @ 4:47 pm

Wow, Yahoo! bought the Konfabulator software and it’s become freeware.

The software allows you to run little “widgets” that have various functionalities such as displaying the weather, news, calendar, etc. and usually with a highly graphical interface. It is along the lines of the Mac Dashboard software even though it was around before OS X – Tiger.

>> Konfabulator

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July 20, 2005

The past few weeks.

Filed under: Updates,Whatever @ 7:22 pm

Hospital life is different.

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July 4, 2005

Does Michigan celebrate Independence Day?

Filed under: Hmm @ 3:28 pm

Apparently not.

I checked all the websites of the state and all major cities nearby. There are absolutely no public events anywhere. Has the 4th become too much of a family and friends day? It should be a public celebration. There aren’t even any public fireworks displays today, the 4th of July, AKA Independence Day. Wait, Detroit had its display on the 1st; 1st does not equal 4th, I hope. I would imagine such a holiday, a national one even, would draw a little more interest in public awareness of such an important day and at least education for the children.

Of all the cities, Ann Arbor was the only city that had any information available on their website and it was for a 1 hour parade at 10 am.

I thought this was part of the Heartland of America. Or perhaps, the people of Michigan don’t like to publish important information on the web. :roll:

I guess I’ll just have to toss some meat on the grill for old times.

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